
Saturday Study Hall


Studying for a wine course? Just enjoy internet quizzes (don’t we all)?
All quizzes are developed and created by certified wine pros on the Wine365 staff.

Pinot Noir Glass by Vineyards

Pinot Noir is a grape that is commonly grown throughout Old World and New World wine regions. This grape is famous for its ability to represent fresh fruit flavors and sometimes tertiary flavors like wet leaves and mushrooms… all depending on where it’s grown! Are you a Pinot Noir expert? Stick your nose in a wide glass of Burgundy and let’s find out!

Harvest Chardonnay Grapes

Are you a Chardonnay superfan? This grape produces some of the most sought-after and famous wines in the world. In this basic quiz, you’ll be asked eleven questions about the world’s number one white wine grape. Lets see if you have what it takes!

AIX Rose

‘Tis the season for rosé (as if we needed an excuse to drink it before the weather improved)! The Old World is famous for producing world class rosés that have only recently been rivaled by the growing New World market. Do you know all about Europe’s finest pink wines? Take this moderately difficult quiz to test your knowledge!

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